I overheard the Holy Heroes Answer Kid and Lillian discussing this year’s Advent Adventure–it’s our 12th Annual online freebie!

Answer Kid
This is our 12th Annual online Holy Heroes Advent Adventure—and I’m here to tell you what you NEED…what you DON’T NEED…& what you MIGHT WANT to have.
“Might want to have”—that means I don’t NEED it, though, right?
Answer Kid
Right. Things you don’t NEED–but your Mom & Dad might decide it’s easier on them if you do have them.
Ah! During Advent I know my Mom & Dad get really busy, so anything that is EASIER on THEM = GOOD for ME!
Answer Kid
So, here’s what you NEED: FIRST, you need to sign up at ADVENTADVENTURE.com!
So, I need to find a pen to sign up?
Answer Kid
No: you sign up with an email address on a computer or tablet or phone—then we send you emails every day full of fun stuff: videos…things to listen to & pray along with us…printables—lots of stuff for kids from about 4 or 5 years old and up.
OK: so I only need an EMAIL ADDRESS and some way to get emails?
Answer Kid
Yes—correct. You will also need a printer to print out the printables we send you. To print out the printables, you will also need paper to put in the printer. To use the paper that goes with the printer, you will need ink in the printer. You will also need crayons, pencils, or pens to use on the printables that were printed out by the printer onto the paper by the ink. And last but not least, you will need a brain to do all of these things.
Check: printer, paper, ink, and a brain.  Got all those things.  BUT–do I need money? Or a credit card?
Answer Kid
NO—money is one thing you DO NOT need! Advent Adventure is FREE—costs you nothing, zilch, nada!

Here’s one more thing that you do NOT need: Lots of Mom & Dad’s TIME.

Advent Adventure is super-easy because we do everything for you—then we email it to you every day. You just open your email, then: click and watch…click and listen…click and print off. (Moms: there are NO messy crafts!) In fact, here’s what two moms told us:

“I was not involved in the day-to-day use of Advent Adventure. My kids did it on their own–the 10-year old was in charge! THANKS!”

“I love that my kids are learning the Faith…while I can be free to do laundry or dishes!”

Answer Kid
But—moms have told us over the past 11 years of Advent Adventures that there are some things that are “good to have” even if you don’t NEED them. You can find all of these things right now at HolyHeroes.com/Advent

Handy Advent products from Holy Heroes

Answer Kid
Remember we told you that you need a printer and paper and ink? Well,you can save time, money, ink, and paper if you buy our Jesse Tree Activity Book, which has some great activities for the kids to accompany the videos in Advent Adventure tracing the “family tree” of Jesus PLUS it includes FREE the most-fun-of-all activity of Advent: our Sacrifice Manager activity! But wait–there’s more: right now we are also including FREE (!) with every order our 2019 Advent & Christmas Seasons fridge calendar–this year with 48 stickers!
Yay! I love stickers!
Answer Kid
You and every other kid! That’s why we added stickers this year.
Answer Kid
The calendar has big boxes to write in all the reminders and appointments and things–then when each day is done, put the sticker on it and you’ve got an Advent calendar without the candy! Then flip it over: it has the entire Christmas Season on the back, too!
One free with every order. But all my friends will want one, too. I might even want to take some to hand out at our Fidelis group. How can I get more than 1 of these calendars with stickers?
Answer Kid
Don’t mention it. You also MIGHT WANT our Advent candle kit and an Advent wreath—we have two options: here’s one and here’s the other.
Answer Kid
Here’s another thing that is bigger than Advent Adventure and really fun for kids who like to color: it’s our new Advent & Christmas Seasons coloring book. Covers Sundays and feast days from Dec 1 – Jan 12 (start of Advent through last Sunday of Christmas) so it is jampacked. There are a lot of feast days in Advent and the Christmas season. Bulk discounts begin with just 5 copies.
Answer Kid
Finally, you might also want to dig deeper with the Bible. We have a special Bible called The Picture Bible. It’s a Bible made like a graphic novel. We include Bible citations in the lessons throughout Advent Adventure, and this year we’ve added citations for what to read in The Picture Bible—which is the first Bible everyone in our family read cover to cover (and over and over and over!)
Answer Kid
That’s all!  Sign up at AdventAdventure.com, and I’ll see you in Advent!

PS Something the Answer Kid forgot to tell you: Do you want to receive ALL the Advent Adventure resources BEFORE Advent? Click HERE to learn about our new Advent Adventure Early Access!

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