“In like a lion, out like a lamb,” the old saying goes. But here at Holy Heroes headquarters, things show no signs of slowing down!
Emma here again to tell you that despite Lent taking up most of March this year, there are still some wonderful Catholic feast days which we want to help you celebrate! Watch the short video, then read on!

March 3 – St. Katharine Drexel
Katharine Drexel gave up a life of luxury to serve the poor in the United States as a religious sister! Talk about counter-cultural…instead of using her wealth and prestige for herself, she used her worldly possessions to serve the Church! Saint Katharine’s Glory Story is a great way to learn about her life…one mom said, “This CD is (as always) simply performed, beautifully told, and such an inspiration to hear. Thank you for giving our family a new favorite saint and a treasure of a vocation minded woman.”
Today, maybe introduce the concept of money with your children. Talk about the rich man in Matthew’s 19 (RSV) and Jesus’ words in Matthew 16:19 (RSV), and compare those passages to the actions of Katharine and her family.
How can we use our money responsibly, and better the kingdom of God? What are some examples of good purchases or use of money? We have a responsibility to know where our products come from and how they affect people.
For activities, little kids could learn about basic currency values and practical math, while older kids can draft a personal budget for themselves (remember to include a tithe!). Or perhaps, as a family, donate to a cause which everyone agrees upon! Finally, a St. Katharine Tiny Saint charm will remind kids to spend and save responsibly every day, even when you are not with them!
March 6- Ash Wednesday / Lent
Remember to get your ashes today!
Today is a day of fasting and abstinence, but you can still make the day meaningful! Play our Sorrowful Mysteries Rosary CD on the way to Mass, or give the kids sacrifice beads to help them through Lent.
For other days during Lent, consider making homemade pretzels as a family! The twisted design is meant to imitate the crossed arms of a penitent person. Comment below if you want me to share my family’s tried-and-true recipe for pretzels, and we may make another blog post about it!
March 17 – St. Patrick of Ireland
St. Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland, and is a popular figure in both Europe and America. Sadly, his feast day has been secularized beyond belief…the real St. Patrick was far more exciting than any leprechaun or pot of gold! He didn’t drive snakes out of Ireland, but he did get kidnapped by pirates as a child, face down incredibly powerful men, and leave his homeland to preach the Gospel to strangers!
This day is a great opportunity to compare fact and fiction, especially how myths and legends come into existence. Find Saint Patrick’s actual life story (older kids can even read his own writings), and talk about the similarities and differences with how he is celebrated.
Also, take this time to immerse your family in genuine Irish culture, from traditional Celtic music to Irish step-dancing to Kerrygold butter (the last is available at most wholesale warehouse stores).
Of course, today is a great day to revel in the color green. Pull up some pictures of how GREEN Ireland’s hills are in real life (maybe even naming all the shades of green with very little ones). The sky’s the limit……sugar cookies, dinner rolls, table decor…anything can be made festive for the day!
BUT…be careful with how much you use the green food dye, though! My (Emma’s) mom has an infamous story about green chicken pot pie for Saint Patrick’s Day…which did not get the reaction she planned! But that’s a story for another day.
Not that artsy? Consider our St. Patrick Prayer Pillowcase…it’s perfect as easy decor, or as a gift, party favor, or raffle prize!
March 19 – St. Joseph, Foster-Father of Jesus
Everyone knows St. Joseph! What better man to model authentic masculinity, especially as a husband and father! Don’t know his story, or want to learn more? Check out our St. Joseph Glory Story here (it also pairs well with our Holy Heroes Playing Cards or St. Joseph Prayer Pillowcase).
Today, perhaps make cards as a family for your dad, grandfather, or a father figure in your life (could be a pastor, principal, etc.). Include what you love about them, your favorite memories with them, etc. Older kids can write a longer letter, explaining how their example inspires them to be sons and daughters of God! The recipients are sure to be very touched by this!
You could also prepare a hearty meal of spaghetti with breadcrumbs and cheese! (Fun fact, this is a popular dish for Italians on Christmas Eve…the breadcrumbs and shaved cheese call to mind the sawdust which coated Joseph’s carpenter’s workshop!) I recommend making a meatless red sauce, as it is kid-friendly and involves the whole family! For the very adventurous, try an authentic recipe like this one, or one that contains anchovies and nuts!
Finally, St. Joseph is also the patron of a happy death…today might be a good day to visit a cemetery and pray for the souls in Purgatory. Discuss how everyone can prepare for a happy death, and that this is a joyful thing–we have to die to get to the next life forever!
March 25 – The Annunciation
What a wonderful feast day! It falls 9 months before Christmas Day. As a family, read Luke 1:26-38. How heroic and humble is Mary’s “Yes” to God (“Fiat” in Latin)! Resolve as a family to say “yes” to God in little ways…though good deeds for others, kind words, and obedience to parents!
Today is a perfect day to pray the Rosary together…use the Rosary of John Paul II book to meditate on the first Joyful Mystery of the Rosary. Very young kids can color while they pray, using our Childhood of Jesus Coloring Book. And if today is a busy day (we totally understand!), moms can pop in the Joyful Mysteries CD in the car…no worries about distracted driving* while counting Hail Mary’s!
*I speak from personal experience…I (Emma) and my family had to tell my dad to stop praying the Rosary on long car rides! He is a very prayerful man, and would enter such deep meditation that he would swerve on the road! I wish we had found a CD like this sooner…it would have made the 45 minute drive to Mass that much easier.
We hope these ideas were helpful as you celebrate the liturgical year with your family
What Catholic feast day traditions does your family have? Let us know in the comments, and we may share your ideas in our April blog!
May God bless you this month and always!

Emma Piazza writes articles, edits material, and generally manages the social media side of things at Holy Heroes. She recently earned an honors degree in English and has a wide variety of writing and artistic experience. She hopes to convey her passion for the Catholic faith through her work.
Yes, I would appreciate your sharing your recipe! Thank you!
Pretzel recipe please! I love these monthly emails with fun, practical ideas!