Today we are kicking off our Glory Stories Sale for Summer

The Complete Glory Stories Set (both CD and MP3) is nearly $100 off and you can use them as gifts throughout the rest of the year for birthdays, sacrament anniversaries, special feast days, and so much more!

Now, if you are not ready to invest in the complete set, we also offer automatic savings when you order individual stories:

As we head into summer, these highly researched dramatized stories of the Saints are perfect for road trips and are an EASY way to celebrate the liturgical year! Here are the upcoming feast days that Glory Stories Set can help you celebrate: 

Plus–there are additional unique Catholic days you can celebrate with the complete Glory Stories Set: 

Phew that was a lot of information, but it just shows you HOW MANY TIMES you can turn on a Glory Story to celebrate the liturgical year!!

You won’t want to miss all 18 Volumes being on steep sale–nearly $100 off whether you buy the complete set on CD or as instant downloads on MP3.

And remember–savings are automatic when you buy individual Glory Stories’ too:

We just released an ENTIRE Glory Story on this week’s podcast!! Gather your kids and press play below:

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