Last week, we released our Lenten Daily Prayer & Sacrifice Cards!

If you missed it, click HERE to learn how to use these cards.

When Katie Warner approached us to create these cards, she told us that praying for people each day transformed her Lent. Specifically, she mentioned these 3 areas of transformation:

One of the three Pillars of Lent is prayer (pssstt–you can teach your kids these three Pillars with this download).

Katie told us that by focusing her prayers on specific people, she noticed a shift in how she viewed her daily prayer. She said, it encourages me to take the Lenten pillar of prayer even more seriously, focusing on how my prayer not only my impacts own spiritual life, but impacts the Body of Christ. I feel like my intentional prayers each day help carry the cross of some other person in my life.

Especially if you are the mother of young children, it can feel isolating striving to fulfill your Lenten commitments without encouragement from other adults (toddlers aren’t usually disposed to encourage self-sacrifice of any kind!).

By praying and sending a card to a specific person each day, Katie told us thatthis Lenten practice allows me to become a sort of spiritual companion to another person on their own Lenten journey, particularly by letting them know that I am interceding for him or her on that day.”

An idea: invite your friend group to get their Lenten Daily Prayer & Sacrifice Cards so you can do it together!

How many times have you assured someone of your prayers and then completely forgotten to fulfill that obligation? You are not alone!

Katie specifically mentioned this, saying,it gives me a chance to catch up on my ‘I’ll be praying for you’ promises. It’s easy to tell people that we are praying for them, but sometimes, our prayer for them just isn’t as frequent or as deep as we would like it to be. (Other times, we forget to pray altogether!) This Lenten prayer activity changes that. You devote an entire day of spiritual focus — through prayer, but also sacrifice — to one person and their struggles, hopes, spiritual life, family relations, health, and whatever else that soul uniquely needs from you and your intercession.”

This Lenten practice will allow you to catch up on 40 of those “I’ll pray for you” promises!

FREE Daily Lenten Activities for kids 4-12

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