At the beginning of the month, we made Holy Heroes fans and customers aware of a donation option to help support our free programs.
After sharing this opportunity, I quickly realized that there are many people in our community who had no idea about what resources we offer and how they can support these programs!
I wanted to sit down and share a bit more about how we use your donations (or tips–there is an option to leave a tip when you order) in a short video:
If you’d rather read than watch, keep scrolling!
Here are 5 ways we use your donations and tips:
First: we produce all Holy Heroes products in the United States.
This is a core value of our family and our company. However, there is a real financial loss that we suffer to make this commitment. I elaborate a bit more in the video but, as you can imagine, the publishing industry relies on overseas printing to keep prices at the industry norm (you’ll probably notice hardcover picture books are all similarly priced–that price is set based on the cost of printing overseas). We swallow the loss when we choose to pay more to keep all our production domestic.
Second: we offer steep bulk discounts to help stock parishes, adoration chapels, homeschool groups, etc.
As you’ll notice on many of our product pages, we offer up to 35% off for bulk purchases. We do this (and accept the financial loss) to help make it more affordable to stock parishes, adoration chapels, and such with prayer aids. Our rosary book, police devotional, and pamphlets are available up to 35% off to anyone who would like to get multiple copies for their community.
Third: we offer free shipping to all active & retired U.S. military
We are a military family–3 Adventure Guides are currently at the U.S. Air Force Academy (my alma mater) and will shortly be commissioned officers. We know the sacrifices that military families make and we want to make it a little easier. If you are a current (or retired) member of the U.S. military, please leave a comment with your order and we will refund 100% of your shipping costs. And, if you are ordering from an APO address, we will ship your order priority mail (I know how long mail can take to get to a base)!
And don’t worry–even though we are a proud Air Force family, we will still ship free to lesser branches like the Navy and Army (kidding…sort of….).
Fourth (and this is NEW): we are receiving more and more requests from crisis pregnancy centers for our resources.
Our Expectant Parent Prayer Card is wildly popular for crisis pregnancy centers and pro-life groups. Schools and parishes like to get our Spiritual Adoption Prayer Card for the month of October as a fundraising incentive in diaper drives (and other pro-life fundraising)!
Fifth: we offer our online Adventures totally FREE
We have always offered our (now SEVEN) online programs at zero cost to participants and are committed to continuing to do this. However, we are responsible for paying the cost of the online platforms, artists, videographers, creators, and every single person who helps create these programs. Tens of THOUSANDS of families participate in these programs every year.
If each family gave just $5 or $10, we would be able to cover all program costs for the next year!
If you have already made a donation–thank you. Please know that we pray for you and your family.
If you would like to leave a review and share why you made a donation, click HERE and scroll down for that option.
If a donation is not an option for your family, please consider supporting the Holy Heroes store when next purchasing gifts or resources!
We are so grateful for your ongoing support!
We hope to see you in Heaven (if not before)!

Ken Davison created Glory Stories, which became a weekly radio series heard globally on the Ave Maria Satellite Radio Network and EWTN’s radio network, WEWN. In 2007, he and his wife, Kerri, founded Holy Heroes–and their children stepped in to help shortly thereafter to create the online “Adventures” for Advent, Lent, Spiritual Adoption, and Marian Consecration.