Catholic Name-It! is the perfect game for every Catholic home–Therese shares all the different ways that your family can play this handy game!

Here’s a free printable download of 57 images, symbols, and gestures with the name, pronunciation (!) and meaning–the items every Catholic should immediately recognize!

How many can you recognize and name? Test yourself with this free 6-page printable!

Want an easy and fun way to teach you children (and maybe yourself?) all of them?

Then get our new Catholic Name-It! game.

57 cards –
57 Catholic objects and symbols –
8 objects on each card –
But only 1 object matches between any 2 cards – Wow!

To WIN: you match it – NAME-IT! – and claim it!

And here’s the best part:

Your children will learn the names and meanings of Catholic objects, symbols, and gestures, awakening in them an appreciation for the wonder of our Catholic Faith in the joys all around us–and especially in the church and at Holy Mass!

Be warned, Mom & Dad: it’s the young ones that often can quickly spy the match–and blurt the NAME out first!

These are flying off the shelves so order yours today!

Here are just a few comments we’ve received:

“We have been looking for something like this and are thrilled with it!”

“This is a great game and my entire family loved it. Our kids are 5-10 years old and they all learned quickly so they could beat the adults. What wonderful teachable moments!”

“We love this game! We gave it to our 4-year-old for his birthday. It was a game that we could all participate in without age making it difficult. I was surprised when he found matches before my husband and I!”

“I anticipate using this while waiting for all students to arrive to faith formation classes in the fall.”

“We love this game! It only took a us a few plays to get all the names down. It’s an exciting, fast play that the whole family can join in for family game nights.”

“My kids love playing this game!”

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