The Church has long been the champion of art throughout the centuries, giving modern Catholic families a wealth of stunning art to appreciate today. But what does it mean for parents raising Catholic children today–why do we need to share this rich heritage of art with our children?

In a 2011 general audience, Pope Benedict XVI said, “Art is able to manifest and make visible the human need to surpass the visible, it expresses the thirst and the quest for the infinite. Indeed it resembles a door open on to the infinite, on to a beauty and a truth that go beyond the daily routine…a work of art can open the eyes of the mind and of the heart, impelling us upward.

The Pope goes on to say, “some artistic expressions are real highways to God, the supreme Beauty; indeed, they help us to grow in our relationship with him, in prayer. These are works that were born from faith and express faith. We can see an example of this when we visit a Gothic cathedral: we are enraptured by the vertical lines that soar skywards and uplift our gaze and our spirit, while at the same time we feel small yet long for fullness….”

Now, most Catholics today don’t have access to a Gothic Cathedral (especially in the United States). Instead, we can look for ways to bring Sacred Art into our homes so our children can interact with these pieces in daily life.

With this in mind, we created our Sacred Art for Young Children series

Through stunning hard-cover books, we place famous pieces of Sacred Art into the hands of Catholic children so they can learn their prayers while coming to recognize important pieces of Catholic art.

We just released the 3rd installment in this seriesFairest Lady: Hail Holy Queen in Sacred Art for Young Children.

As a pre-release BONUS, we are including our complete set of Sacred Art Rosary Posters FREE when you order the 3-book set!

We hope that through beautiful pictures created by some of the greatest artists of all time you can ignite the imaginations of your children with the truth and goodness of God and His Church!

Gaze upon each image together and share the details you discover, contemplating the thoughts inspired by the words and paintings. You will often be surprised by the insights that flow from the hearts of little children!


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