There is a unique opportunity for a plenary indulgence this month!

On July 28th, we celebrate World Day for Grandparents and you can gain a special plenary indulgence in honor of grandparents!

This is beautiful timing because the World Day for Grandparents falls just before the Feast of Saints Anne and Joachim, the grandparents of Jesus!

On the Sunday before the Feast of Saints Anne and Joachim, you can fulfill the requirements for plenary indulgence by visiting the elderly (which includes your own grandparents!), particularly those who are sick, disabled, or abandoned. The Vatican did note that a phone or video call can fulfill this requirement.

In addition, make sure you fulfill the usual conditions for an indulgence:

  • receive Holy Communion (can be done up to 20 days before or after the indulgence),
  • pray for the intentions of the Pope (usually an Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be),
  • and make a confession within 20 days (before or after) of the indulgence.

Another great way to celebrate your grandparents is with our FREE card!

This printable features Sts. Joachim and Anne and includes a place for kids to leave write a message to their grandparents!

Download this FREE card HERE.

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