Pulled from Lenten Adventure, here are our Ash Wednesday coloring pages and printable activities to get your kids engaged with the beginning of the Lenten season! 

The coloring page allows younger kids who may not remember last year to understand what will happen during Ash Wednesday Mass when they go up to receive ashes.

The other printable activities include an Ash Wednesday Mass Quiz to follow along during Mass and an Ash Wednesday-themed maze for older kids!

Now that you’ve downloaded the activities, watch our Lenten Adventure Video about today’s Gospel at Mass:


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If you and your kids liked these activities and want to have more throughout Lent, you can sign up for Lenten Adventure!

If you are curious about what you can expect from Lenten Adventure, check out the screenshots below which take you step-by-step through the daily Lenten Adventure emails!


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First, you will receive an email each evening to use the next day. This way, you can review the materials (if you so choose) and prep for use in the morning. This email will contain a link to the daily webpage with all the content for the next morning.

Next, at the top of each daily webpage, you will find the parents’ info for the day plus a list of the page content so you can easily scan the page and chose the resources and activities that fit your family’s needs!

Scrolling down the page, you will find the bar of printables (coloring pages, quizzes, activities, and more)!

After that, you will find the daily audio links. These will include the Mysteries of the Rosary, the Angelus, and the Stations of the Cross for your family to pray along with throughout Lent! These are especially great if you are working on learning these prayers to incorporate throughout your family prayer life after Lent.

Then, you will get to the daily videos which vary day to day. This sample page shows the Sunday Gospel Video for Ash Wednesday (for both the Ordinary Form and the Latin Mass).

Finally, you will find the Lenten Adventure calendar at the bottom of the page. Using this feature, you will be able to navigate back to previous daily webpages to access past videos and resources you might want to go back to use.

This feature is also great if you can’t find or accidently delete a daily email!


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We are excited for you to join us this Lent!

If you would like more free Liturgical resources, subscribe to our blog below:

FREE Daily Lenten Activities for kids 4-12

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