One of the resources we’re most excited to offer through our Very Young Catholic Project Online is a monthly “Ask Emily” segment!
Each month, the author of the Very Young Catholic series will answer questions from Catholic kids!
When you enroll in the Very Young Catholic Project Online, your kids can SEND IN questions for Emily to answer every month!
If your kids have burning questions about travel, the Catholic faith around the globe, or anything related to the Very Young Catholic Project, this is their chance to get answers!
Don’t forget–your enrollment comes with lifetime access to the program (think: years of monthly resources!).
Now, here is a sample of what the “Ask Emily” column will look like:
Dear Emily, do you bring anything to the families you visit in each book?

When I arrive in a new country to begin the onsite work for a book, I usually bring gifts for the family, especially for the children.
In one country, where the family included a lively set of boys, I brought a double batch of homemade chocolate chip cookies.
For several nations, I brought the card game Ruckus, which doesn’t take up much room and which has proved wildly popular.
In some places in the world, it is extremely bad manners to arrive without a gift of food, so that is what I brought to the Kenyan families.
For the family in Argentina, I brought the Spanish version of The Lord of the Rings, and for the library in the Galapagos, I brought the Spanish version of the Narnia series.
I had a Christmas ornament created – a little globe that says Very Young Catholics on it – and I gave one to each family. The family in India sent me a picture of it the following Christmas, showing the ornament hanging on their tree.
And of course, I always give the family an entire set of the Very Young Catholic books, mailing them any new ones whenever they come out.
I love seeing children in different parts of the world reading about and looking at pictures of children in other parts of the world!
Here is a picture from Fiji of a child reading Very Young Catholics in the U.S.A.

Here is another picture of a child in Brazil reading Very Young Catholics in Canada.

I am looking forward to the questions you will send in during the Very Young Catholic online program!
I love sharing my “behind the scenes” stories and pictures!
PS–here is a picture of me playing Ruckus with a family where the NEXT Very Young Catholic book will take place…any guesses of where we are going after Argentina?
Do you have questions for Emily about the Very Young Catholic Project?
She will be answering questions every month through the online program (we may even be able to have a video call where kids can send in questions LIVE).
This is the lowest price ever for you to enroll–since the enrollment includes a copy of Very Young Catholics in Argentina (retail price: $21.95), the cost for the program is only an additional $18.
For this low price, you will get monthly emails filled with incredible resources (printables, “behind the scenes” information, videos, pictures, additional book lists, and so much more).
This is a once-in-a-lifetime price for a program that will show your children the joy of the Universal Church and the Wonder of God’s Creation!