St Joseph Blog Post: Father in the Shadows

St Joseph Blog Post: Father in the Shadows

Today, we look at the final attribute of Saint Joseph’s fatherhood, “A Father in the Shadows,” as presented to us in the Apostolic Letter, Patris Corde (With a Father’s Heart). Our aim in this “Year of Saint Joseph” and in these reflections is to increase “our love...
St Joseph: A Working Father

St Joseph: A Working Father

Today, we look at the sixth attribute of Saint Joseph’s fatherhood, “A Working Father,” as presented to us in the Apostolic Letter, Patris Corde (With a Father’s Heart). We have looked at Saint Joseph as “A Beloved Father,” whom the Church lovingly venerates, as “A...
Year of St. Joseph: An Accepting Father

Year of St. Joseph: An Accepting Father

Here’s another of our short reflections on each of the seven aspects of Saint Joseph’s fatherhood in the Apostolic Letter of Pope Francis, Patris Corde (With a Father’s Heart). Prior posts considered Saint Joseph as “A Beloved Father,” whom the Church lovingly...
Year of St. Joseph: An Obedient Father

Year of St. Joseph: An Obedient Father

This is the 3rd reflection on the seven aspects of Saint Joseph’s fatherhood in the Apostolic Letter, Patris Corde (With a Father’s Heart) by Pope Francis. Previously, we considered Saint Joseph as “A Beloved Father,” whom the Church continuously honors and venerates,...

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