by Clara | Sep 21, 2023 | Very Young Catholic Project
Perhaps you’re thinking, “This seems like a really cool idea, but how do I use this with my kids?” We get it–this program is BIG with lots of resources and ideas. I want to share 4 Ways to use the Very Young Catholic Project with your kids. But...
by Clara | Sep 19, 2023 | Very Young Catholic Project
Not yet enrolled in the Very Young Catholic Project Online? Here are some commonly asked questions about our NEW online program (watch the video for the #1 questions we’ve been getting or scroll to read!) View this post on Instagram A post shared by Holy...
by Clara | Sep 8, 2023 | Meditations & Encouragement, Uncategorized
“Oh yeah, I didn’t get to Mass yesterday. I should try to go next week.” I have a distinct memory of the first time a friend said this to me. I was 19 or 20 and was catching up with a friend and had offhand mentioned something from Sunday Mass the...
by Clara | Sep 5, 2023 | Glory Stories
The pre-order price for Our Lady of Champion ENDS tomorrow Our printer just let us know–the Our Lady of Champion CD ships on Thursday!! Thank you to everyone who has already pre-ordered! Your orders will be going out next week–we can’t WAIT for you...
by Clara | Aug 31, 2023 | Uncategorized
Print this off and hang on your fridge to help your kids get out the door to Sunday Mass! Does every Sunday morning feel like a struggle as you are trying to get everyone ready and out the door in time for Mass? Forget preparing hearts and minds for Sunday’s...