Official 1st Communion Gift Guide

Official 1st Communion Gift Guide

Looking for something a bit more unique than a missal or rosary to gift to your First Communicant? We have picked our top 8 unique Catholic gifts for First Communicants (boy or girl)! Participating at Holy Mass coloring book This unique coloring book takes...
So…1,800+ copies sold last month 😳

So…1,800+ copies sold last month 😳

There is still time for you to grab a copy for Lent! Uniquely designed:It’s a “flip-book” — with English on one side and Spanish on the other. Same thing, just two languages. The Holy Heroes Stations of the Cross prayer booklet is based on our best-selling...
Do you work for a Parish or Catholic School?

Do you work for a Parish or Catholic School?

We would love your help spreading the word about Lenten Adventure! We have already sent over 10,000+ Lenten Adventure flyers to parishes and schools across the country.* We would love to send flyers to your parish or school to help spread the word about this FREE...

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