How to Teach the Choirs of Angels to Children

How to Teach the Choirs of Angels to Children

If you are a Catholic teacher or homeschool parent, you need this poster! Children are intrigued by angels, and we actually know a lot about them! Taken from the best-selling Children’s Book of Angels, we created a poster of the most commented on page in the...
FINALLY–another Catholic Brick Book!

FINALLY–another Catholic Brick Book!

After much anticipation, the creators of hugely best-selling The Catechism of the Seven Sacraments have released their second book! The Holy Mass: On Earth as it is in Heaven is now shipping! Catholic friends Fulton and Cynthia return for another adventure through the...
How customer emails inspired a NEW resource

How customer emails inspired a NEW resource

Last year, we had the idea to create a series of coloring pages that would take kids (and adults) “step-by-step” through the Mass.  Long-time Holy Heroes illustrator Caroline Spinelli took on the project but before she was able to finish, a family...

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