Catholic Easter Basket Inspiration: Volume 2

Catholic Easter Basket Inspiration: Volume 2

While we are very much still in the Lenten Season, we are beginning to get ready for Easter baskets! Rather than simply filling your baskets with candy or other secular goodies, plan now to add Catholic books and games to your Easter Baskets! Psst–do you give...
How to use a Spiritual Journal

How to use a Spiritual Journal

How do you use a Spiritual Journal? This is a question that can be intimidating to most adults! Spiritual Journaling can seem pretentious or perhaps even unnecessary as a means of spiritual growth. However, having a place to organize and keep track of your spiritual...
PERFECT for after the Bible in a Year Podcast

PERFECT for after the Bible in a Year Podcast

Now that the Bible in a Year podcast is coming to a close, have you wondered what you are going to listen to next? Are you one of the thousands of people who have listened to the Bible in a Year Podcast? Over the last (almost!) 365 days, Fr. Mike Schmitz has led us...

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