We NEVER do this…$20 OFF 🤯

We NEVER do this…$20 OFF 🤯

TODAY ONLY: Get your #1 best-selling Bead by Bead Rosary Book Set for 30% OFF. We never do this–but for a single day, you can get this set steeply discounted (so grab additional copies for godchildren, grandchildren, and friends!) Read 100+...
An EASY Lent Tradition for Kids! {video}

An EASY Lent Tradition for Kids! {video}

One of our favorite Lenten traditions throughout the years is the Bean Jar! This is an easy tradition you can start TODAY with your young children–all you need is an empty jar and some dried beans! Here is a quick video about how to start this tradition with...

FREE Daily Lenten Activities for kids 4-12

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