Kids READ all 800+ pages 👀

Kids READ all 800+ pages 👀

Your children–just like ours did!–can read the Bible themselves!  Archbishop Fulton Sheen (soon to be beatified!) said, “This Picture Bible for all ages is an excellent introduction to those who do not know the Bible and...
Inviting The Hulk to Mass [picture inside]

Inviting The Hulk to Mass [picture inside]

We have 18 Fr. Leopold Set arriving this week for the last re-stock for 1st Communion Season! Add this unique Catholic set to your play and watch how kids bring faith into their play! And look–even the Hulk can be invited to Mass! We have had moms tell us that...
🎧 Patroness of 1st Communicants {FREE}

🎧 Patroness of 1st Communicants {FREE}

SPECIAL Holy Heroes Podcast Episode: We released an entire Glory Story on last week’s episode! Have you been wanting to hear Glory Stories? This is the perfect opportunity!! Listen to the story of the Patroness of 1st Communicants–listen on Apple...

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