by HolyHeroes | Sep 22, 2023 | Very Young Catholic Project
Wondering what sort of resources are included in the monthly program? When you enroll in the Very Young Catholic Project, you will receive 8-10 resources every month! These resources will include printables, interactive activities, “behind-the-scenes”...
by HolyHeroes | Sep 20, 2023 | Very Young Catholic Project
One of the resources we’re most excited to offer through our Very Young Catholic Project Online is a monthly “Ask Emily” segment! Each month, the author of the Very Young Catholic series will answer questions from Catholic kids! When you enroll in...
by HolyHeroes | Sep 19, 2023 | Uncategorized
You’ve heard about the rise of the “nones,” haven’t you? They are the people who check “None” when asked their religion. Sadly, more and more of these “nones” were raised…Catholic. Most of us assume it is young adults who are abandoning the...
by HolyHeroes | Sep 18, 2023 | Product Highlight
A family made 2 orders this morning: At 8am this morning, they ordered 1 Glory Story download. A few hours later, they ordered 2 more Glory Story downloads. We have been telling you–kids LOVE our Glory Stories. Seriously, families come back again and again to...
by HolyHeroes | Sep 13, 2023 | Meditations & Encouragement
No, it’s not the Chicago fire either–this fire happened the same day (!) but killed many more people and destroyed over a million acres. The worst fire in U.S. history started on October 8, 1871, near the town of Peshtigo, Wisconsin. The Great Peshtigo...