A summer story

The story is about a mother who witnessed her child’s canonization. This mother’s daughter is a saint, and she was there when the Church declared and celebrated it. This mother was also there years before when pornography entered her home.  But...
Mom is from Advent, Dad is from Lent

Mom is from Advent, Dad is from Lent

We’ve arrived in Easter — Alleluia! — but we had to pass through Lent to do it. So indulge me momentarily for a backward glance at those “40 Days.” When I ponder the long and hard journey of Lent, it calls to mind Advent, the other time when the priest wears violet at...
Good news about a very bad topic

Good news about a very bad topic

I’ve been procrastinating about writing this post for a couple months now.  It’s a distasteful topic, frankly. Distasteful, but very important to address for our children. Sometimes I put off writing it for a very good reason: some of the kids...

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