by Ken | Oct 8, 2015 | Articles, Meditations & Encouragement
This article from a Dominican priest has excellent advice about adding the rosary to your family routine (or modifying it a bit to get the real “rosary power” out of the family prayer). He has some great suggestions, just click on the button below....
by Ken | Jul 16, 2015 | Mass Prep for Mommies, Meditations & Encouragement
Yesterday I left work early to go to Confession. I arrived early, so I knelt down with a little notebook to do an examination of my conscience and write things down before I got in line. As the minutes ticked by, I realized that no priests were coming, so I...
by Ken | Jun 25, 2015 | Articles, Free Stuff
The story is about a mother who witnessed her child’s canonization. This mother’s daughter is a saint, and she was there when the Church declared and celebrated it. This mother was also there years before when pornography entered her home. But...
by Ken | Apr 9, 2015 | Advent Adventure, Lenten Adventure
We’ve arrived in Easter — Alleluia! — but we had to pass through Lent to do it. So indulge me momentarily for a backward glance at those “40 Days.” When I ponder the long and hard journey of Lent, it calls to mind Advent, the other time when the priest wears violet at...
by Ken | Dec 20, 2014 | Articles, Free Stuff, Holy Heroes
I’ve been procrastinating about writing this post for a couple months now. It’s a distasteful topic, frankly. Distasteful, but very important to address for our children. Sometimes I put off writing it for a very good reason: some of the kids...