A Case for Sacred Art in the Home

A Case for Sacred Art in the Home

The Church has long been the champion of art throughout the centuries, giving modern Catholic families a wealth of stunning art to appreciate today. But what does it mean for parents raising Catholic children today–why do we need to share this rich heritage of...
Day 1: Novena for Homeschool Mothers

Day 1: Novena for Homeschool Mothers

Thank you for joining us for nine days of prayer with other homeschooling moms around the world! We are all praying together to fulfill our roles as God intends (and graces!) us to do. We pray that this opens up our hearts and minds to make this next generation of...
My Last Year as a Homeschool Mom

My Last Year as a Homeschool Mom

As my youngest child begins her senior year of high school, this is my last year as a homeschooling Mom. After over 26 years of homeschooling, I have plenty of tips for other moms as they teach their kids from home. But today, I want to share 2 tips as we head...
We need urgent help! [2 things]

We need urgent help! [2 things]

Holy Heroes is our family business so I feel like I need to ask this: We have an urgent prayer intention that is breaking my heart and requires drastic divine intervention. We are mid-novena to Saint Jude for his intercession. We have already felt the prayers of so...

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