The Bible in a Year: For Kids

The Bible in a Year: For Kids

Thanks to Fr. Mike Schmitz and his chart-topping new podcast, this year is quickly becoming the Year of the Bible for Catholics.But while listening to Fr. Mike read through the first few stories of the Old Testament, I realized that the...
When a Holy Heroes Guide sang for Pope John Paul II!

When a Holy Heroes Guide sang for Pope John Paul II!

On World Mission Sunday on October 22, 2000, the St. Mary’s Cathedral Choir (the cathedral choir for San Francisco, CA) was invited to Rome to sing for Pope John Paul II. Holy Heroes Guide Virginia was one of the youngest members of the choir (only 7 at the...
First Communion 2020: 8 Memorable Gifts

First Communion 2020: 8 Memorable Gifts

First Communion this year in many parishes is missing the pomp and circumstance, the large family gatherings, the out-of-town visitors, the packed pews, and in some cases even the excitement of all the parish’s 1st Communicants receiving together. You’ve...

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