Have you heard that Bl. Carlo Acutis’ tomb is now permanently open in Italy?

Archbishop Domenico Sorrentino of Assisi removed the panel covering Acutis’ tomb on June 1 and announced that it will be open permanently for the faithful to venerate.

Blessed Carlo’s tomb is located in the Church of St. Mary Major in the Sanctuary of the Renunciation.

Fun fact: the Sanctuary of the Renunciation is where St. Francis of Assisi renounced his family’s wealth and assumed a life of poverty.

Though Blessed Carlo’s body is not incorrupt, it is still intact. You can learn more about the original opening and how his body was prepared for public viewing here.

This reopening and permanent display of Blessed Carlo’s body is a wonderful opportunity for many more Catholics (and non-Catholics) to pray before the body of this holy teenager!

You can learn more about the opening of Blessed Carlo’s tomb here.

We are especially excited about this opportunity for greater devotion to Blessed Carlo because he is one of our favorites here at Holy Heroes!

We have an entire collection of resources to help Catholics (young and old) learn more about his amazing example of holiness!

NEW and NOW SHIPPING–Blessed Carlo: The Amazing Discovery of a Teenager in Heaven

Here is what one mother has said about our newest book:

You’ve probably heard of him, since he’s basically the coolest millennial. But have you read his story, or seen his website? Have you read the Vatican announcements about his beatification and the miracle? I hadn’t, and kinda hadn’t planned on it. 🙈 But I’m so glad that Holy Heroes introduced me to him and their book about Blessed Carlo. I’m completely won-over. This kid was totally normal but also extraordinary. I particularly love the detail I learned about how he spent his internet time so intentionally, always to glorify God. This example is essential for teens! Heck, I need to follow his example more. I’ve also loved the information Holy Heroes included: website addresses, copies of the Vatican documents, and a great explanation of how the Church investigates and declares someone a saint. My sons carry this around the house reading it, and I’m glad they have such a relatable example of holiness!

Wow!! We already have reviews coming in from folks who have received the first copies of this new book and the positive responses have been overwhelming!

Get this book–and dive into the amazing life of a teenage boy who died in 2006–and has already begun to intercede with miracles from Heaven!

Extensively researched and incorporating details from official Church documents and personal interviews with Blessed Carlo’s mother, you’ll learn:

  • What miracles astounded him so much that he created a website to share them with the world?
  • What simple habits did he incorporate into his life, plus the weaknesses he struggled with?
  • What did he call his “kit” for becoming a saint, which fits the lives of modern children and teens?
  • What was the miracle–7 years to the day of his death–which led to the beatification?
  • What still remains before the Church can recognize him as “Saint Carlo Acutis”?

If your child has ever wondered, “How does someone become a Saint?” then this is the book for them!

Check out the following Blessed Carlo resources:

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