Last week, we announced that the price of Jellybean: A Baby’s Journey to God is going up with the arrival of the 2nd printing. You can read more behind the scenes HERE.

After selling out the 1st printing in a week, we have continued to see a huge demand for this book with nearly 20% of the incoming 2nd printing already pre-ordered.

If you have a friend who has experienced a miscarriage, can you send this book to them? You can leave a personalized note that we will send (along with the book) to your friend who is grieving.

We have received so many of these orders and think it is touching to see friends supporting each other in this way.

We also have seen so many orders coming through on Amazon.

Yes, we do offer Jellybean on Amazon (though we do not offer the pre-order price there). If you ordered this book on Amazon, could you leave us a review?

And if you ordered from us, could you also leave a review on our website? Just scroll to the bottom of the product page and leave your review. These personal testimonies are incredibly helpful to other families.

Finally, this is our last request for parishes and schools!

We are sending out free flyers for our Mass Prep program. This FREE weekly program is helping over 25,000 families prepare for Sunday Mass with videos, printables, activities, and more!

This program is especially helpful during the summer when faith formation classes are on break and people are traveling. You can use this free weekly program to keep your kids prepared and present for Sunday Mass…even during the summer!

We are seeing FREE flyers for parishes and schools to share with families. You can request flyers (which we will send for FREE) through this short form.

FREE Weekly Mass Activities

Enter your email address to receive free weekly Mass Prep activity downloads and videos for your children!

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