We need some help finishing our next set of resources.
Before we can finish, we need some help.
Have you experienced an infant loss (miscarriage or stillbirth)?
Could you fill out this short research form and offer your insight?

is the Brand Manager for Holy Heroes after handling many other roles over the years. Make sure you sign up for our emails to receive more of Clara’s writing!
The Pious Union of St. Joseph for the Suffering and Dying offers an Eternal Remembrance of our dearly departed children. Each month on the 16th Mass is offered in their memory. Learn more on their website: https://piousunionofstjoseph.org/book-of-innocent/
I forgot to add to the survey that a website called Catholic miscarriage support was also very helpful.
Margaret Vasquez from Sacred Heart Ministries can help women heal from the loss. It is a trauma that gets “stuck” and wounds the heart. Her unique approach is peaceful.
Check out Heaven’s Gain Ministries website. They are in Cincinnati Ohio