St. Joseph’s Greeting Cards [free download]

St. Joseph’s Greeting Cards [free download]

St. Joseph is the patron of all fathers! To celebrate this wonderful Solemnity, we have created St. Joseph Greeting Cards! This easy activity is perfect for kids to hand out to the holy dads (fathers, parish priests, grandpas, etc.). Click to download St. Joseph...
Do you work for a Parish or Catholic School?

Do you work for a Parish or Catholic School?

We would love your help spreading the word about Lenten Adventure! We have already sent over 10,000+ Lenten Adventure flyers to parishes and schools across the country.* We would love to send flyers to your parish or school to help spread the word about this FREE...
Official Blessing of the Christmas Tree [download]

Official Blessing of the Christmas Tree [download]

The biggest physical symbol of Christmas within the home is the Christmas Tree. It’s a good idea to spiritually cleanse whatever you bring into your home – including your Christmas tree! Think of it: Small children will spend hours in its presence, decorating,...
Your Advent 2022 Checklist [printable]

Your Advent 2022 Checklist [printable]

Simplify your Advent preparation this year with our handy checklist! This checklist will walk you through the different aspects of Advent and (with short questions) help you decide what your family does and does not need for this upcoming liturgical season! Print out...

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