Prayers for a priest friend

Prayers for a priest friend

My wife Kerri and I recently received an email from a priest friend, asking us for our prayers. Here’s what he said in his email (edited only minimally): “For my part, I have some news that might be difficult for you, but it is what it is. In the fall, I...
Here’s $10 for your 2 cents

Here’s $10 for your 2 cents

Can you help us, please?   We’ll pay you for your time!  Think of it as part Lenten penance, part “consulting income,” part investment in your children’s future prayers. We at Holy Heroes have been asked over the years to develop a...
Three women talk: The March for Life

Three women talk: The March for Life

Now, as in every January stretching back for four decades, hundreds of thousands of pilgrims from across the country are traveling to Washington, D.C., for the annual “March for Life.”   Our family has marched many times over the years....
Dear Spouses

Dear Spouses

We found this thought-provoking article that makes a great meditation for this new school year for all of us whom God has blessed with the Sacrament of Matrimony! Read and see if it doesn’t nudge you a little to examine how we all tend to absorb at...

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