by Ken | Nov 8, 2023 | Uncategorized
Did you know this about Holy Heroes? YES–we ALWAYS ship free to U.S. military families (past and present). We are a military family–4 of my adult children are in the military (Air Force and Army). We know the sacrifices that military families make and we want to...
by Clara | Nov 1, 2023 | Uncategorized
This is a tough age group–in the midst of liturgical crafts, picture books, and toys, Catholic middle schoolers can sometimes get overlooked. Today I wanted to share 2 resources for your middle schooler that you don’t want to miss! But first–our Dear...
by Clara | Oct 16, 2023 | Uncategorized
Making our Advent Candle Kit has become an annual Thanksgiving tradition for Catholic families. Set aside time on Thanksgiving Day (perhaps while you are busy cooking in the morning) and have your children roll the family Advent Candles. ORDER YOUR ADVENT...
by HolyHeroes | Oct 4, 2023 | Uncategorized
Since we released this prayer card, we’ve been getting this question: “How do I explain plenary indulgences to my kids?” Here is an easy (and age-appropriate) way to explain it: An indulgence is “the remission before God of the temporal...
by HolyHeroes | Sep 19, 2023 | Uncategorized
You’ve heard about the rise of the “nones,” haven’t you? They are the people who check “None” when asked their religion. Sadly, more and more of these “nones” were raised…Catholic. Most of us assume it is young adults who are abandoning the...
by Clara | Sep 8, 2023 | Meditations & Encouragement, Uncategorized
“Oh yeah, I didn’t get to Mass yesterday. I should try to go next week.” I have a distinct memory of the first time a friend said this to me. I was 19 or 20 and was catching up with a friend and had offhand mentioned something from Sunday Mass the...