It’s here: our NEW Online Program

It’s here: our NEW Online Program

You’ve heard about the rise of the “nones,” haven’t you? They are the people who check “None” when asked their religion. Sadly, more and more of these “nones” were raised…Catholic. Most of us assume it is young adults who are abandoning the...
Your Sunday Morning Checklist [free download]

Your Sunday Morning Checklist [free download]

Print this off and hang on your fridge to help your kids get out the door to Sunday Mass! Does every Sunday morning feel like a struggle as you are trying to get everyone ready and out the door in time for Mass? Forget preparing hearts and minds for Sunday’s...
One of our TOP parenting resources is 50% off

One of our TOP parenting resources is 50% off

You may remember this blog post from a few months ago. The quick summary is that after seven kids, we finally discovered the perfect phone option for our last (!!!!) teenager. After running the entire gambit of phone options–not getting our kids’ smartphones until...

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