While we are very much still in the Lenten Season, we are beginning to get ready for Easter baskets!
Rather than simply filling your baskets with candy or other secular goodies, plan now to add Catholic books and games to your Easter Baskets!
Psst–do you give Easter Gifts for the entire family? Scroll to the bottom for those suggestions!
If you’d rather watch than read, check out this short video below where I go through our best-selling games, board books, and other unique Catholic goodies that could be in your Easter Baskets this year!
Not a fan of watching? Read on!
First, our top Easter Basket items for the littlest Catholics:
Our Catholic Board Book collection is always growing, but on the forefront is When Heaven Comes to Earth. Detailing several heavenly appartions, this board book includes Our Lord’s visits to St. Faustina which makes this book especially timely before Divine Mercy Sunday!
Speaking of St. Faustina, our coloring book is another great way to introduce her to your children during Easter Week. Our Triumph of Jesus coloring book is also timely for an Easter Basket!
A long time favorite in Catholic households, these silicone Rosaries are a must for a Catholic Easter Basket! But–have you seen these adorable NEW silicone bibs?? If you have a baby boy, you need to get the Roman Collar bib!
Now, our 4-6 year old Catholic Baskets include:
Catholic picture books and games are the way to go with this age group!
Our NEW Lucy & Patrick Pray the Rosary has the perfect colors for a bright Easter Basket (we found that it coordinated beautifully with the plastic eggs)! You can also add our NEW Matching Game which is the perfect size for little hands!
Other picture books that capture the spring colors are I Wonder about the Good Shepherd, So Many Ways to be Holy, and The Children’s Book of Angels. Not only will kids learn more about their Catholic faith through these stories, but they will also be captivated by the beautiful illustrations!
Of course, Glory Stories are the perfect addition to any Catholic Easter Basket! With 17 volumes, there is sure to be one (or two!) that would catch the eye of your child.
For larger families, check out the various Glory Stories sets that will allow you to purchase multiple Glory Stories for a discounted price.
Or if you have an especially large number of Easter Baskets to fill, you can get the Complete Set of Glory Stories on sale! Save the extra CDs for upcoming birthdays or 1st Communions. Truly, Glory Stories are the perfect gift for so many occasions (and you can read hundreds of reviews from Catholic families about how these stories have touched the lives of their children in incredible ways).
For 7-10 year olds (with a focus on 1st Communicants):
Catholic games continue to be a big hit with this age group–especially our Name-It! game. Not only will this game provide hours of competitive fun, but kids will also learn 57 Catholic objects (including ones that many adults don’t even know).
Another NEW game that is small enough to fit in an Easter Basket is our FeastDay! Expansion Pack. If you already have the FeastDay! Board Game, you can bring it to the next level with this Expansion Pack of Level 2 cards. A great way to refresh this fun teaching tool!
For your kiddo who is about to receive 1st Communion, Easter is a great time to gift a spiritual resource like our Spiritual Journal or our Best-Loved Catholic Prayers & Prayers of the Mass Missalette. Both to these will help your child develop a deeper devotion to the Holy Mass and begin the habit of spiritual journaling (learn more about this practice here).
Another fantastic resource for children after receiving their 1st Communion are our Inside the Sacraments DVDs (tip: get the 2-DVD set and split it between 2 kids). Coupled with the best-selling Holy Mysteries! book, your child will learn about the amazing gift of the Eucharist and how to explain this beautiful truth to others.
For 10 year olds and up, we also have fun goodies:
Right away, if you have a daughter under the age of 12, you need to get Clare’s Costly Cookie. This is a book that should be in the hands of every young girl as it tells the story of Clare and her growing love for Jesus!
If a child preparing for Confirmation, a gentle aid in this preparation is the Saints Around the World–the best saint treasury we have seen in a long time! I read this book cover to cover and learned so many new saints (and this is coming from someone who grew up along side Glory Stories). Perhaps they will discover a new and unique Saint for their Confirmation!
While Catholic games can become less appealing as kids grow, these Catholic Playing Cards are a unique way to integrate the faith into a normal aspect of life! You can learn more about what makes this playing cards unique here. Suffice to say, these are perfect for nearly any age so if you have an adult Easter Basket in need of an additional gift, add these!

Easter Gifts for the Entire Family:
There are so many other great Easter gifts for the entire family! Here are a few of our top ideas:
- FeastDay! Board Game (and don’t forget the Expansion Pack!)
- Prayer Pillowcases–with such a large collection, there is sure to be a perfect one for every child (don’t forget that if you get 4, the 5th one is FREE)
- Complete Glory Stories Collection
- Beginning Apologetics Set–great for families with all older kids
- Treasure Box Set–great for families with all little kids
- Paschal Candle Kit
There are so many unique Catholic gifts that you can include in your Easter baskets! If you need more inspiration, check out last year’s Easter Basket Inspiration blog!
And be sure to subscribe to the Holy Heroes blog for additional tips and resources throughout the Liturgical Year:

is the Brand Manager for Holy Heroes after handling many other roles over the years. Make sure you sign up for our emails to receive more of Clara’s writing!