It is reaching that point in December when your scratching your head and wondering who you have forgotten to get gifts for this Christmas.
Here is our list of the folks you’ve probably forgotten to get gifts for and unique Catholic Christmas gift suggestions!
Your Pastor
This was one of our most popular blogs last year: What to Get Your Pastor for Christmas.
Honorable mentions not included in that blog are the beautiful tabletop books Guadalupe Mysteries and Three Kings, Ten Mysteries (seasonally appropriate too)!
Another popular gift is our Holy Images Print that many families have gotten for their Pastor’s Rectory! And now we have a Our Lady of Guadalupe Print that just launched and would look beautiful framed for your parish priest!
Another funny gift? We have had so many mothers of priests share that their sons love Catholic Brick Products (made with real LEGOs). With our limited stock, make sure you get the Fr. Leopold or Fr. John set now while they are still available!
Your Godchild
With your own children to keep track of, it is so easy to forget about the spiritual children who have been entrusted to you! As their godparent, you bear the special responsibility of sharing the Catholic faith with your godchild. Here are some fun ways you can do that through their Christmas gift!
If your godchild is still a baby, here is an entire collection of award-winning Catholic board books!
Catholic Name-It! is a best-selling game that kids ages 5-12 years old have loved getting in their Christmas stockings! Such a fun game that teaches children the names of 52 important Catholic objects (can you name them all?).
Prayer Pillowcases are also a great gift that you know your godchild will use. After all, we all use a pillow! There is a huge collection of best-loved Catholic Saints and Angels so there is sure to be one your godchild will enjoy! And if you have multiple godchildren to buy for, you can get 5 pillowcases for the price of 4!
Another great option is a Glory Stories CD! Read thousands of reviews from Catholic families about how these stories inspired their children’s faith–this is a great gift for a godparent to send! Even if you are reading this the day before Christmas, you can also instantly send a Glory Story MP3 for them to listen to on Christmas Day!
Have lots of godchildren? Get the complete set of Glory Stories and send one to each godchild! You will save both time and money with one gift purchased for all at a discounted price.
Want to get ahead for next year? Get Kate Warner’s A Godparent Who Prays and spend 2023 praying for your godchild! Then next Christmas, you will have a beautiful and meaningful gift to put under the Christmas tree!
Your Godparent
Perhaps you are in the opposite scenario–you forgot to get a gift for your godparent(s)!
Tiny Saints are a really small, sweet gift to give. Their favorite saint can be attached to their key chain as a reminder to pray each time they use their keys!
Another small item: The Holy Water Flask. They will never be an emergency again without Holy Water!
Your Bible Study Leader
Or choir director. Or faith formation coordinator. Or anyone else who donates their time to help you grow in your Catholic faith!
Family Prayer Kit is great for that busy mom who spends so much time volunteering at her parish. Since she spends a lot of time in the car going back and forth to parish events, help her redeem those car rides as prayer time! Steeply discounted for the Christmas season, this is a wonderful way for you to help her navigate her current season of life!
The Official Scripture Study Bible is a wonderful gift for someone who would appreciate a beautiful Bible! This is the Bible that we regularly gift and we always receive comments about how beautiful it is!
Your Dad (or Husband!)
Dads are always tough to buy for so we have made it easy with a few suggestions that will leave him surprised on Christmas morning!
Holy Heroes Playing Cards are for the man who loves both playing games and his Catholic faith! We assigned Hearts to the Joyful Mysteries, Clubs to the Luminous Mysteries, Spades to the Sorrowful Mysteries, and Diamonds to the Glorious Mysteries. In this way, each suit gently reminds us of four sets of unique events in Our Lord’s life, which we meditate upon whenever we pray the Holy Rosary. You can learn even more about the meaning behind the card design here.
What to get ahead for next year? Get Kate Warner’s A Spouse Who Prays and spend 2022 praying for your husband! This is a beautiful and meaningful gift to have wrapped under the Christmas Tree next year!
Is there someone we didn’t mention that you are still searching for a gift for?
If you email us at, we are always happy to send you recommendations!
Thank you for supporting our family business this Christmas season!

is the Brand Manager for Holy Heroes after handling many other roles over the years. Make sure you sign up for our emails to receive more of Clara’s writing!