Summer is the time to touch imaginations
to open hearts, minds, and souls to the wonder of the Faith!

Over the years, we’ve heard from a lot of moms
about what works to make summer
a time of really wonderful family discussions.  

Here’s what MOMS have told us help make their summer roadtrips a success:

“Amazing!!! I have never had my kids be that quiet on an hour long car ride before…all 6 of them! They kept asking to listen to them again and again! We all learned so much. The voices are great and the stories engaging!”

“We borrowed some of these CDs from a friend, and my kids love them! Even my 3 year old can tell you about Bl. Miguel ProSt. Joan of Arc, and St. Anthony of Padua. I bought the whole set!”

“Years ago when Glory Stories first came out I ordered one for each family of grandchildren. They LOVE the stories! They still know the stories almost word for word….and have asked for more because the old ones are so worn and scratched from younger siblings.”

This CD isn’t just well-done; it’s a godsend. When my kids and I listen to this together, I can’t help crying– not just because the product is so good but because the vision behind it is extraordinary. Kids (and whole families) are tasting the JOY of the faith because of these stories coming alive, as they should, in our imaginations and hearts and lives!”

We’ve sold tens of thousands of these, especially in the summer.

We now are up to 18 volumes with the true stories of the saints.

Trust what moms tell us about the impact on children:
You will be asked to listen to these over and over and over–and Mom & Dad will not complain one bit.

Because of what they do NOT have and what they DO have.

Do NOT have:

  • Silly songs that will grate on you over time
  • Weird animal sidekicks (or just any smart-aleck sidekicks)
  • Made-up incidents that simply did not happen in order to somehow make them “relevant to today’s world” (ie “dumb down” the stories)

DO have:

  • Real events and lots of real words of the saints (so children and teens and adults each will comprehend and ponder at the level of their own knowledge and experience)
  • Scripture to highlight the truth God revealed in the life of the saint (we cheat: we usually take from the beatification or canonization homily or directly from the words and notes of the saint)
  • A beginning with the saint as a child–but from true incidents, not silliness–so children identify with the saint as a real person to imitate starting right now

Still not sure? You can hear samples of our Glory Stories on the Holy Heroes Podcast!

Tune into this week’s episode to hear a segment from the St. Anthony Glory Story:

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