It is Catholic Schools Week (January 31-February 6, 2021) and across the country, Catholic schools are celebrating the beauty and gift that is Catholic education! With a Catholic teacher in the Holy Heroes family, we know it takes hard work to create a faith-filled educational environment!

Did you know: This week (and every week, in fact–all the time!), Holy Heroes offers a 30% discount to parishes & schools!

If you have never received this discount, you can email us at or call us at 855-879-2246 to set up your account for future orders!

We wanted to share 7 resources that are great for Catholic classrooms! And (because we know that school budgets are always tight!) we are including FREE resources as well.

Glory Story Collection

One of our goals last year was to add more stories to our Glory Story collection. Glory Story Vol. 16: St. Peter was released in December and Glory Story Vol. 16: Blessed Carlo Acutis is currently in production. We have 2!! more scripts currently in the works and hope to have another volume launched in the upcoming months!

The Glory Story collection is the top-selling product at Holy Heroes because these stories are high-quality productions that are engaging to kids while providing them with important lessons about the Catholic faith. You can read hundreds of reviews on our website and we are continually receiving feedback from Catholic educators who are utilizing these audio stories in their classrooms.

Last year, we also began providing FREE Glory Story study guides to help educators with their lesson plans and discussions to accompany these stories. You can find the study guides in the product descriptions of each Glory Story!

Downloadable Coloring Pages

Great for young students, our coloring pages are quick and easy for teachers! We have complete coloring books available for multiple saints that you can download and print from school.

We also made our Lent coloring book into downloadable coloring pages this year so teachers could have instant access to these pages without having to pay shipping costs!

Stations of the Cross Wall Posters

For Lent, hang our Stations of the Cross wall posters around your classroom as both decorations and prayer aids! Especially with small children, wall posters are a great way to engage them in the Stations of the Cross (psst–we have an entire blog of ways to do the Stations of the Cross with kids).

Celebrate the Liturgical Year in your classroom this year, especially since many parishes around the country are unable to provide their usual Lenten programming such as Friday Stations of the Cross. So do them in your classroom!

Lenten Adventure

No discount code is required because this program is 100% free! With daily emails packed with videos, audio links, coloring pages, printable activities, and more, this is a great program to supplement your normal lesson plans with appropriate Liturgical touches.

Two things we are focusing on this year is providing our Stations of the Cross audio links throughout Lent so more children can learn how to pray this devotion and our “Step-by-Step through the Mass” video series to help kids (especially those who have been unable to attend Mass in person) better understand the Mass!

All you have to do is sign up at and you will get your first email in time for Ash Wednesday!

Sunday Mass Prep

Another FREE program that educators can utilize is our Sunday Mass Prep program! Through this program, you will receive an email once a week with a Sunday Gospel video, Mass Quiz, and coloring page for the upcoming Sunday. Especially if you are responsible for providing Sacramental prep, this is a great way to teach children to engage with the Holy Mass each and every Sunday.

Catholic Games

We have so many fun Catholic games that you can use in your classroom for educational purposes! Our Catholic Name-It! Game will help your students learn the names of important Catholic objects in a fun way! You can use the Works of Mercy Game in a similar vein to help your students learn the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy!

We have an entire collection of Catholics games that you can use our 30% parish discount on!

Lenten “Road to Easter” Activity

This is a great classroom resource to help your students engage in the upcoming Liturgical season! The Lenten Road to Easter Map is a fun way for kids to count down the days to Easter Sunday! Plus, the stickers will spell out a secret code that your students can crack in the last few days before Easter!

Thank you for everything you do for Catholic education! Don’t forget to subscribe to the blog for more Catholic resources throughout the year!

FREE Daily Lenten Activities for kids 4-12

Enter your email address to receive free daily activity downloads and videos all through Lent!

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