Thank you for joining us for nine days of prayer with other homeschooling moms around the world!

We are all praying together to fulfill our roles as God intends (and graces!) us to do. We pray that this opens up our hearts and minds to make this next generation of children truly salt and light in the world which so badly needs it.

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Day One: My Holy Vocation

New this year, you can pray along to the Novena on The Holy Heroes Podcast.

Now, calm your mind and open your heart in silence as we pray:

O God, Creator and Ruler of heaven and earth, all creatures owe their existence to Your infinite goodness and fatherly love. You have appointed for each one of us the sphere in which, under Your direction, support and encouragement, we are to press onward to our final goal. I thank You Almighty God, for the vocation to which you have called me. I thank You for Your all-embracing, all-pervading, all-governing providence, which oversees all of the particular works of this vocation. I submit to Your dispensation. I resign myself to Your guidance. I grasp Your leading hand and beg for the grace never to follow the way of my own inclinations. Your good pleasure shall form my happiness; Your commands shall be my only line of conduct; Your will shall be my will; and Your service the object of all my aspirations. 

Give me, O Lord, peace of heart; trust in Your infinite wisdom; courage to stay the course; an ever cheerful disposition proceeding from faith in Your inconceivable love; and fidelity in my duties, springing from the remembrance of Your omnipresence and from my hope of eternal reward. Help me to see that this call upon my life requires the same dedication, commitment and the complete gift of self offered by my sisters who have entered religious life. For Your own honor, O God, help me to fulfill the duties of my vocation, for You alone are good and holy, and desire not that any soul should be lost, but that, seeking You and finding You, all may be eternally blessed in You.

Receive also Almighty God these specific requests related to my vocation…[state requests here]…and transform me by the grace of Your Holy Spirit.

Our Father…Hail Mary…Glory Be…

Thank you for joining us for Day 1 of this Novena for Homeschool Mothers!

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