Day Six: Invocation of a Mother’s Friends

NEW this year, you can “pray along” to the Novean on the Holy Heroes Podcast.

A litany to some of the special patrons of Christian Mothers:

Lord, have mercy! Response: Christ, have mercy!

Lord, have mercy! Christ hear me. R: Christ, graciously hear me.

God, the Father of Heaven, R: Have mercy on me

God, the Son, Redeemer of the world, R: Have mercy on me.

God the Holy Spirit, R: Have mercy on me.

Holy Trinity, one God, R: Have mercy on me.

Holy Mary, R: Pray for me and for my children.

Holy Mother of God, R: Pray for me and for my children.

Mother of Sorrows, R: Pray for me and for my children.

Holy Guardian Angels, R: Pray for me and for my children.

Our Loving Guides and Companions, R: Pray for me and for my children.

Our true friends, our protectors of body and soul, R: Pray for me and for my children.

St. Joachim, affectionate father and wise ruler of your family, R: Pray for me and for my children.

St. Joseph, virginal spouse of Mary and foster father of Jesus, R: Pray for me and for my children.

St. John the Baptist, model of mortification from infancy, Precursor and preparer of the way of Jesus Christ, R: Pray for me and for my children.

St. Augustine, enlightened Bishop and Doctor, filled with love of God, R: Pray for me and for my children.

St. Aloysius, angel in the flesh, and great penitent, R: Pray for me and for my children.

St. Anne, pius and diligent wife, mother of Mary conceived without sin, R: Pray for me and for my children.

St. Elizabeth, God-loving mother of St. John the Baptist, R: Pray for me and for my children.

St. Rose of Lima, humble and dutiful daughter, America’s powerful patroness, R: Pray for me and for my children.

St. Monica, mother of St. Augustine and prayerful wife, who converted her pagan spouse, R: Pray for me and for my children.

St. Elizabeth of Hungary, Christian wife and widow, mother of the poor, R: Pray for me and for my children.

All you holy spouses,R: Pray for me and for my children.

All you holy widowers and widows, R: Pray for me and for my children.

All you holy parents, R: Pray for me and for my children.

All you holy children, R: Pray for me and for my children.

That they may preserve their baptismal innocence, R: Pray for them.

That they may truly grieve over sin, R: Pray for them.

That they may persevere in virtue, R: Pray for them.

That they may die a happy death, R: Pray for them.

That they may attain eternal happiness, R: Pray for them.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, R: Spare me, O Lord.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, R: Graciously hear me, O Lord.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, R: Have mercy on my, O Lord.

Christ, hear me. R: Christ, graciously hear me.

Lord, have mercy on me.

Let us pray,

O God, who has given me the holy parents and children of heaven as models and intercessors, grant, I beseech Thee, that I may follow their example, persevere in good by the help of their prayers, and enjoy their company eternally in heaven. Teach me, a parent, O Lord, to be a model for my children in word and example, that they may see in my actions what they are taught by my words.

Graciously look down, O Lord, on our family. Fill its members with Your choicest blessings, that, united in faith and love, we may become a faithful image of the Holy family of Nazareth. May Jesus be constantly amongst us, may His holy Mother be our teacher, and Joseph, the blessed foster-father our guide, our protector, and our never-failing aid in all things. Grant my petitions, I beseech Thee Almighty Father, through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who with Thee and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns one God, forever and ever.

Our Father…Hail Mary…Glory Be…

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