We would love your help spreading the word about Lenten Adventure!

We have already sent over 10,000+ Lenten Adventure flyers to parishes and schools across the country.*

We would love to send flyers to your parish or school to help spread the word about this FREE daily program for kids ages 4-12 years old!

We ship these flyers for FREE–just fill out this short form below and let us know how many you need:

One more thing:

We are also sending FREE samples of our best-selling Lent resources to parishes who are interested in sampling our resources!!

If you work for a parish or school and would like to receive a sample packet, please reach out to me at clara@holyheroes.com.

*Sorry, we can only ship these domestically right now–we do have an electronic version you can download and print from home. Lenten Adventure is worldwide so you will still be able to participate in the program no matter where you live!

FREE Daily Lenten Activities for kids 4-12

Enter your email address to receive free daily activity downloads and videos all through Lent!

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