The story is about a mother who witnessed her child’s canonization. This mother’s daughter is a saint, and she was there when the Church declared and celebrated it.

This mother was also there years before when pornography entered her home.  But she told no one what she knew. She didn’t even tell her husband.

She witnessed the downward descent of the personality of the boy consuming the pornography.

She saw his growing coldness, impatient anger, and escalating isolation from the household.  She saw how he would buy magazines and then spend the rest of the day alone in his room.  

While cleaning up one day, she found the pornographic pictures in his room.

But she said nothing to the boy.  She did nothing about the pornography.

Her husband did not know–she didn’t tell him.  So he could do nothing.

Very soon after her discovery of the pornography, this mother’s husband died.  On his deathbed, he repeatedly told his wife to take the family away from that house, to get away from the darkness he was sensing there.  

But after her husband died, she did not obey his wishes.  

It would have been expensive to move herself and the children, it would have been a severe financial risk, it would have been very difficult to leave the house with the pornographic pictures posted around the young boy’s bed.

So, the family of the saint-to-be stayed in the household, and the pornography stayed, too.

Very soon thereafter, on a hot summer afternoon, the boy who had become a victim of this sin sexually attacked the mother’s eldest daughter. She resisted him, and he brutally murdered her.  

The young girl forgave her murderer, died in agony, and went to heaven.  

Her mother was there in Saint Peter’s Square to hear the Church proclaim her daughter a saint on the strength of the miracles she had wrought from heaven, including the conversion of her murderer.  

Her murderer, finally freed from his porn addiction, was also there at the canonization ceremony of his victim.  

Four of her brothers and sisters were there, too, at the canonization of their sister, a martyr for purity in the face of the violence of pornographic lust.

You know of whom I’m speaking?  

Saint Maria Goretti and her mother Assunta, who became the first mother to witness her child’s canonization.

Alessandro Serenelli, Maria’s murderer, had moved into the Goretti home with his father.  He brought his pornography into the home with him.  Although she knew it was there, Assunta told no one, nor did she take steps to get it OUT.

Assunta raised a saint, but I’m certain she also wished she had acted to protect that little girl on earth a little longer, as every mother does.

Times have changed, though, haven’t they?

During Saint Maria Goretti’s lifetime, pornography had to be picked up from the outside and brought inside the home.  Today, pornography is already there in your home: it is there searching for your children and reaching out for them…just an accidental click away on every computer linked to the internet, on every “smart phone,” on every tablet.   

We all need to recognize this evil presence and do something now to protect our children.

HERE’S HOW you can do something–to celebrate Saint Maria Goretti by protecting your children from what ended her short life on earth.

And this summer it’s FREE:

Register before July 15, and you can use Covenant Eyes–the protection we use in our “Holy Heroes” home and office–with a FREE TRIAL and pay nothing FOR 60 DAYS.  

Act now and you get to try it out for free all summer.  

It does TWO THINGS to protect your precious children:

  • It is a FILTER to protect innocent children from stumbling upon bad stuff
  • It is a MONITOR which notifies you and your husband of internet activity every week, so you can act quickly if you detect a problem.

Some online facts you may not be aware of:

  • 70% of teens have accidentally stumbled across porn online–23% say it happens “somewhat or very often.”  Covenant Eyes has SIX age-based filter settings plus you can create customized “block” and “allow” lists. 
  • 71% of teens say they’ve acted to hide what they do online from their parents.  Covenant Eyes provides weekly reports of online activity for every person across all devices which can access the internet.
  • 24% of smartphone users have porn on their phones–and smartphones come “set up” to allow explicit images, videos, and music.  Covenant Eyes works on Windows and Mac computers, Android, iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad.

Click here to try it for 60-days FREE this summer starting now.

After your 60-days free, what does it cost?

Monthly cost for UNLIMITED users, UNLIMITED devices (yes: this works GREAT for our big Catholic family with kids in the house…off at college…and in the office, too):

Just $13.99 per month.

Do the math: 46 cents per day = (peace of mind for you) + (peace of soul for your children)


Sign up for Covenant Eyes by July 15th using this link to get your 60-day free trial!  This is a special deal Covenant Eyes is offering Holy Heroes customers–double the usual 30-day trial!

PLUS a chance to win a WHOLE YEAR FREE: After you sign up, come back to this page and enter the email address and name you used to sign up below for your chance to win a whole year of free service from Covenant Eyes!  

FIRST: sign up to get 60 days free by clicking here.

SECOND: come back here to fill in the form below for a chance to win a WHOLE YEAR free.

THIRD: tell your friends to do the same for their families!

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