FOR ADVENT ADVENTURE 2022: In addition to the usual Sunday Gospel Videos, each Sunday in Advent will now feature a SECOND Sunday Gospel Video for the Extraordinary Form (Latin Mass)! Advent Adventure will be the ONLY place these videos will be featured so you must be signed up to access them! Tell your friends who attend the Latin Mass–there will be Gospel videos for them this Advent!

When reviewing Advent Adventure, the National Catholic Register wrote:

The children really get the idea that Advent is a time you are preparing for the real meaning of Christmas, not necessarily a time [for] making out a list of what gifts you want to receive, but [rather] preparing your hearts for Christ. 

Last year, we had over 40,000 families (and schools and parishes) enjoy our Holy Heroes Advent Adventure.  Every year, we receive emails and phone calls from moms (and sometimes entire families), telling us about their experiences with Advent Adventure! We have loved receiving these messages over the years and wanted to share some of them with all of you!

Because we offer all our online “Adventures” free-of-charge (Advent Adventure, Lenten Adventure, Spiritual Adoption Prayer Adventure, Marian Consecration Family Adventure, and Holy Heroes MassPrep) we can reach Catholics all over the world to help them bring the joy of the Faith to their families. All you need is to sign up with an email address!

All our Adventures are also kids-teaching-kids. Our kids teaching your kids. One Catholic family speaking to other Catholic families about truth and goodness and all the wonder of our Catholic traditions, practices, and beliefs.

We’ve found that there is something that really sparks a child’s imagination when they hear children’s voices in the prayers and watch other children explain things, in simple terms, but not watered-down or made childish and sentimental. Kids can comprehend a lot!

Advent is probably the most hectic time in a family. Lots to do, lots of excitement, and the Church has so many things to help us anticipate our Christmas celebration.

So we pack Advent Adventure with videos and printables to teach about Catholic traditions, feast days, the Angelus and Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary, the Jesse Tree, blessings for Advent wreaths and Nativity scenes and Christmas trees–all sorts of things to choose from for children age 5-12. You can learn more here. And we always include something from our Glory Stories saint CDs and audio pray-along, too.

But–we make it easy for parents because it is all there on a daily webpage.

Don’t take our word for it–here’s what “A Busy Mom who had a wonderful Advent” told us in a survey:

I was not involved in the day-to-day use of Advent Adventure. My kids did it on their own–the 10 year old was in charge! THANKS!

Another mom said something similar:

I love that my kids are learning the Faith…while I can be free to do laundry or dishes!

Some moms have to be buying Christmas presents, too, so it is good to keep the kids reliably occupied!

Another all-time favorite with kids are our Jesse Tree videos.

We received so many requests that a few years ago we made them into a DVD along with some other “classic” Advent Adventure videos so kids could watch them all year long. Learn about the Jesse Tree here and about our Jesse Tree resources. Here’s what one mom told us about her children’s reaction:

This year’s Advent has been “the best ever”–thanks to Advent Adventure. It introduced us to how the Old Testament lovingly foretold Christ’s birth. I love it and my children love it!

Here are some of our other favorite comments from Moms–enjoy!

This is the first year we bought the Advent supplies offered by Holy Heroes. The kids were already counting down the days/minutes to the First Sunday in Advent. They were so excited to wake up on Sunday morning and get to open their new presents first-thing: they candle making kit, advent wreath, and coloring book! I wish you could have seen their faces…jumping up and down while screaming, “THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I WANTED!” I know you design the Advent Adventure so that kids can do it on their own, but honestly I’m having as much fun watching the videos with them and learning along too. All of us are getting so much out of this journey together. Thanks to all of you who devote so much to this important service!

–Jennifer (mom) and Elisabeth, John Paul, and Andrew (kids)

Thanks for a wonderful spiritual activity to begin our Advent season! My 13 year old loved making the candles with your Advent candlekit! I think it will make lighting them each night more personal for him and make this Advent more special!


We support our free Adventures through sales of our products. Some families buy the printed materials (saves ink and time on the printer), which also gives them a nicely bound keepsake of the season for each child. Here is a review of our set of 4 coloring books about Jesus (psst: they are the mysteries of the rosary, moms! see if your kids figure it out!):

I really love these Life of Jesus coloring books. The pictures manage to be kid-friendly and still attractive. Great quality paper and Scripture verses on every page that corresponds to the image.

–Haley Stewart, Carrots for Michaelmas

Thanks to everyone who has shared their family’s success with Advent Adventure!

We cannot wait for another round so sign up now!

If you’d like to help us spread the word, you can print an Advent Adventure promotional flyer to share with your parish, school, homeschool co-op, or any other group that might be interested!

Want more reviews from busy parents like you? Here are some comments about the audio pray-along and listen links we always include from our CDs: 

To hear my children say the Rosary, their little voices in the steady sweeping repetition of it, makes me tear up. Postpartum hormones. Even so, it’s pretty touching when I ask them what they think they’re doing and they say, “Talking to God with our friends on the CD.”

Whole Parenting Family

I appreciate that the Glory Stories are meant for children, but that the lives of the saints aren’t being watered down at all. We listened to the story of Blessed Miguel Pro this past weekend for his feastday and I learned a lot, I’m not gonna lie!

Fountains of Home

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