Share far and wide with Glory Story fans!

Our newest Glory Story is NOW available for pre-order!

Do you know the story of the only approved 
Marian Apparition in the U.S.A?

Our Lady appeared in 1859 to Adele Brise in the forests of Wisconsin. 

She came with a message that we still need today.

This is the story….and we cannot wait to share it with you.

Here’s WHY we promote pre-orders:

Paying the costs of scripting, recording, producing, duplicating, and packaging our Glory Stories all happens BEFORE we get any income from selling them.

So we pre-order sales to help get $$ in the account to pay all our creators!

We need to pre-sell 600 copies of Our Lady of Champion Glory Story to cover the expenses left to produce it.

Help us reach that goal! 

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