How was Holy Heroes founded?

How did the Holy Heroes Dad become Catholic?

How did Advent & Lenten Adventure start?

Why did the Holy Heroes Family choose to homeschool?

What does daily life look like while running a family business?

Where are all the Holy Heroes Guides now that six are out of high school?

Ken and Kerri Davison, the founders of Holy Heroes, were recently interviewed on the Kolbecast about homeschooling their eight children, running a family business, and how the liturgical year is celebrated in their home!

You can give the podcast a listen here or by clicking the link below!

If you would like an interview with the Holy Heroes family for your podcast or print article, send an inquiry to! Whenever we are able, we love to support our fellow Catholic podcasters and writers!

You can find more recommendations from the Holy Heroes family for Catholic homeschool curriculum here.

Did you know that the Holy Heroes Mom wrote

a Catholic children’s book?

Just released last week, I Believe: The Apostles’ Creed in Sacred Art for Young Children is a beautiful way to teach your children through famous pieces of sacred art.

Over 25% of the first print run is already sold so please do not delay in getting your pre-ordered in!

Get the pre-order sale price here

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