At the end of July, we launched the Holy Heroes Family Prayer Kit! Based on research with hundreds of Catholic moms, the Holy Heroes Family Prayer Kit is a full range of prayer aids for all ages….perfect for car rides, classrooms, co-ops, and more!

This kit includes:

  • 4GB/USB flash drive–plug it into your car sound system!–containing:
  • 40 full-color classic artwork cards–5″ x 7″
    • 20 Rosary cards (one for each Mystery of the Rosary)
    • 14 Stations of the Cross cards (one for each Station)
    • 6 bonus cards with prayers for safe travel and more!
      • Including prayers of the rosary in English & Latin
  • Holy Water Flask–made of metal (won’t melt in the car…)
  • DIY Single-decade Rosary with a Miraculous Medal and Italian crucifix (perfect for passing around the car!)

We included nearly everything moms asked us for…but we did NOT include (sorry!) actual holy water, perfectly obedient children, or a spare driver.

Now, if you have already ordered your Holy Heroes Family Prayer Kit, the instructions for how to make your DIY Single-Decade Rosary are below:

You can also scroll to the bottom of this page to download and print the instructions.

How to Make Your Single-Decade Rosary

Single-Decade Rosary Kit*:

  • 1 Crucifix
  • 1 Miraculous Medal
  • 10 Beads
  • 1 pre-measured nylon string

Other necessary supplies not included in the kit:

  • Tape
  • Scissors
  • Lighter

*Styles & colors of items may vary from what is shown.

1. Wrap a small piece of tape around both ends of the cord; this makes it easier to slide the Miraculous Medal and beads onto the thread.

2. Take the cord and thread the Miraculous Medal onto it. Take both ends of the cord, make a loop and pull both ends of the cord through to make a tight knot; this will secure the Medal at the end of the cord.

3. Take one end of the cord and thread on a bead. Then, take the other end of the cord and slide it through the bead in the opposite direction.

4. Continue Step #3 for the remaining 9 beads.

5. Secure the beads with a knot explained in Step #2. Make sure to leave a space between the beads, so that there is enough room for the beads to slide; this helps you keep your place while you pray!

6. Slide the crucifix on one end of the cord. Then, secure it using a knot.

7. Cut the cord at the knot, leaving room to melt the ends down to the knot (Step requires adult supervision).

8. Using a lighter, melt the cord until the ends are molded to the knot. (Step requires adult supervision).

9. Congratulations! You now have your very own Single-Decade Rosary!

You can also download and print these instructions (with helpful step-by-step pictures!) below!

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