This is a perfect craft for the long summer afternoons and to help revigorate summer reading!

We have created an easy Saint Bookmarks craft as a fun activity during these hot summer afternoons!

As a bonus–this craft is a tremendous way to get kids excited for the upcoming school year because they can utilize these bookmarks in their school books.

To get started, you will need to print our Saint Bookmark Graphic below:

Once you have that printed, here is what else you’ll need:

  • scissors
  • construction paper or cardstock
  • glue
  • coloring supplies (pencils, crayons, markers…whatever works for your family!)

After you gather the supplies, use your coloring supplies to decorate the four individual bookmarks.

While kids color the pictures and decorate the bookmarks, you can listen to the audio stories of these four saints (click here to find the instant audio downloads).

Once your bookmarks are decorated, cut them out along the designated lines.

After cutting out the bookmarks, glue the bookmarks onto construction paper or cardstock. This will help reinforce your bookmarks, making them stiff enough to withstand daily use.

If you would like additional reinforcement for your bookmarks, you can also laminate them at this point!

Now you have a handmade collection of Catholic bookmarks to use with your summer reading or save for the upcoming school year!

Looking for more summer reading resources (especially Catholic books that your kids would LOVE to read?).

Here are some of the favorites for Catholic families right now:

Dear God books–perfect for middle school boys, this chapter books feature Catholic boys just like them!

Detective Thomas and the Biggest Question–another fantastic chapter book for middle-grade readers!!

Clare’s Costly Cookie–Nine year old Clare shows children that following Jesus Christ and striving for true holiness are worth any cost. With spirit and spunk she demonstrates for young readers that living the holy Catholic faith is not only exciting, but better than gooey, warm chocolate chip cookies.

Very Young Catholic series–you can jump start on the geography or history kids will be studying this upcoming school year by snagging applicable countries! Or you can let your kids pick a country to learn more about over the summer!

Discovering the Land of Virtues–Wonderfully warm and whimsical illustrations set the mood and captivate readers from the very first page of this most imaginative and fantastical story. This beautiful tale of adventure and homecoming shares the meaning of virtue and the beauty of the Eucharist with children ages 3-12.

Catholic Brick 2-Book Set–With hundreds of pages of comics, your kids will LOVE these books. Seriously, just read the reviews and get these for your family library.

Browse the entire Catholic Book Collection HERE

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