Do you have a child (or more than one!) who LOVES all things LEGO®?

I share three handy resources for your kids that will teach them important aspects of their Catholic faith!

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Here are the three suggestions for your kids who love LEGOs:

Fr. Leopold Celebrates Mass

The original fan favorite is this set made with real LEGO® bricks!

Featuring 174 genuine LEGO® bricks, three modified bricks (his Roman collar, the Roman Missal and the lectionary were printed after they left the factory) and a set of four vestments (a green chasuble for Ordinary Time, red and white for feast days, and violet for Advent and Lent) this set will provide hours of imaginative play.

This kit even includes a relic for you to put into the altar!

Put the lectionary, Roman Missal, chalice, paten, hosts, cruets and lavabo dish in place, get Fr. Leopold vested, and he’s ready to celebrate Mass!

“I hesitated to purchase the set for a bit because of the price. However, within the first five minutes of assembly and my children playing with it it was well worth the price! They have said the Mass countless times and I love the fact that some of their other LEGO® friends go to mass or meet for rosary group. It is so beautiful to see our children playing what we live! And what a beautiful way to introduce vocations to our children! Thank you Holy Heroes!”

Fr. John Hears Confessions

Another set that your kids will love!

This set features 185 genuine LEGO® bricks, three modified LEGO® bricks (Father John’s cassock and surplice and the name plates are custom printed), a purple stole and a three-piece light brick.

After Father John puts on his stole and takes his place in the confessional he is ready to hear confessions. Penitents may choose to go face to face or behind the screen. Don’t forget to turn the lights on when the confessional is in use! If another priest is on duty, be sure to change the name plate to “Visiting Priest.”

Make the penitent a boy or a girl (we are all sinners) and use the reversible face to show both the sorrow of sin and the joy of forgiveness! Too cute!

Catechism of the Seven Sacraments

Do your kids love LEGO® but you cannot handle adding any more LEGO bricks to your home?

Enter the Catechism of the Seven Sacraments.

Following Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI’s teachings on Covenant Theology, this book sheds light on the parallels between the Old Testament and the New Testament and the sacraments instituted by Christ that we experience today.

Young Catholics will develop a deeper understanding of salvation history, discover how to participate in God’s covenant, and learn how to obtain grace through the sacraments, which are essential on our lifelong journey to the Eternal Promised Land.

I am blown away by this book…who knew God would use Legos to make the catechism so relatable? The connections this “simple” book makes between the Old Testament and the New Covenant are incredible. Can we hand this out to all Catholics please?”

This book has HUNDREDS of reviews from Catholic parents.

So many that we have an entire blog highlighting our favorites: “I am blown away by this book”: Read the 100+ responses from Catholic families

Seriously, this is a MUST HAVE for every Catholic home.

–>check out the NEW book from the same authors!

If you love product and gift recommendations, make sure you subscribe to our blog! I love filming these to share what other Catholic families are loving!

If you would like more unique Catholic gift ideas, click here: “After listening to this, my 5 year old now wants to go to Heaven”: Catholic Mothers share their Experiences

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