We are still busy celebrating Carlo Acutis since last week’s announcement!

To help families get excited about this upcoming canonization, we wanted to share part of our Carlo Acutis coloring book for FREE!

Yes, we are breaking out a few of our favorite coloring pages from the coloring book for families to download below!

Get sample pages from the big coloring book right here:

IDEA: After you print your FREE coloring pages, tune into the Holy Heroes podcast to hear part of our Carlo Acutis Glory Story!

Our coloring book not only helps the littlest ones to learn all about Blessed Carlo while they listen, but we included Carlo’s “kit” to becoming a saint: the practices for sanctity that captured HIS imagination as a young child and which are sure to capture your child’s, too!

On SALE now, our coloring book also includes automatic bulk discounts so you can get this resource for your entire parish, VBS, or homeschool group!

For older kids, our unique book Blessed Carlo Acutis: The Amazing Discovery of a Teenager in Heaven is a must-have (especially before they choose a saint for confirmation)!

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