The National Catholic Register just published a review of our NEW book on Blessed Carlo Acutis!

Here is a short excerpt of what they said:

Young readers in search of a hero will certainly find one in this dynamic, richly layered book about Carlo Acutis, the first millennial to be named a blessed.

Sabrina Ferrisi relates how Carlo kept a notebook in which he wrote, “What does it serve a man to win a thousand battles if he is unable to conquer himself?”

He knew the importance, she says, of overcoming bad habits that keep us from the greatness and happiness God wants for us. Her book touches on the steps Carlo took to replace failings with greater virtue.

We have received so many reviews for this book–it is quickly becoming our most reviewed product. Here are some of our favorite reviews:

“Holy Heroes has given Catholic families a gift in this book about Carlo Acutis. I thought this was going to be a great read for my four sons, and it turns out that this book is written for me, too. The story of Carlo’s life is shared beautifully, with photos and screenshots of his website included. His story The relevant information about saints, relics, and miracles answer questions kids and adults alike often have. I learned more about saints while reading it. I know this book will be read over and over in our home!”

This book is a masterpiece of saint’s life writing! Blessed Carlo comes alive through the pictures on every page, the interviews with his mother, and the details of his beatification! The best part of this boy’s life is the tone that the author and how she connects with her audience. Her tone has a maturity and respect for the reader that also teaches and informs at every point. Blessed Carlo literally lives and breathes in the pages of this book!”

We love Blessed Carlo Acutis and had yet to find a book that wasn’t written for babies and adults for my elementary-age children. This book is perfect! My children have loved learning about one of their favorite Saints on a reading level that’s perfect for them. The pictures are so great and really bring this future Saint to life. Highly recommend this book”

We anticipate selling out of this first printing before Christmas (though we hope to begin the second printing very soon)! Get your copy of this best-selling book below:

Check out another blog about a recent review–“Honestly? I had previously suspected Bl. Carlo’s sanctity was overblown…”

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