Special offer while supplies last—we are giving away 1,000 books in June!

Details in this short video, then gather the kids for some fun! (And share far and wide!)

Now–click the button below to see if you can answer these three quick questions we’ve pulled out from the book, plus a bonus question from Lillian.

Then check back in a few days for the answers to Quiz #1 and test your kids with some more questions in a new quiz.

NOTE: As long as we have books still available for us to give away free, we’ll keep posting new quizzes with questions selected from the hundreds in the book.

Get one (1) book FREE with every order of anything at all from our website
(excluding orders which only include MP3 or PDF downloads).

When you’re shopping, use the green gift box icon on the left of the screen to claim your copy.

So go now to HolyHeroes.com to find something to order for yourself, your children, your family or friends for the summertime, and we’ll add InQUIZition, the book with hundreds of Catholic questions, *FREE* to your order.

We’ve just announced this free giveaway, but orders are already coming in quickly, so please don’t delay and miss out!

PS Need some suggestions? June is a great time to get our Sacred Heart of Jesus print for enthronement in your home or classroom (simple step-by-step instructions here), and our complete set of Glory Stories is on super-duper-almost-$80-off-sale right now (yes: for summer road trips!). Lots of other stuff on sale, too, and you can check out various categories using the dropdown menu at the top of the webpage.

FREE Daily Lenten Activities for kids 4-12

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