Many people know Carlo Acutis as “the Blessed who played computer games.”
But that’s not really the whole story….
Carlo Acutis certainly loved playing video games, especially when he was able to play with his friends! However, one day he gathered up his video game controllers and brought them to his mother. He told her that he no longer wanted to spend his valuable time playing video games every day. He asked her to help him limit his video games to one hour per week.
Wow–we don’t know a lot of people who demonstrate that wisdom and self-control so young!
We love this challenge from Aleteia to embrace a “Carlo Acutis Lent” by limiting screen time this liturgical season!
As a family, pick Blessed Carlo as your patron this Lent and commit to limiting your screen time this Lent.
Whether that’s less time each day, just one hour a week, or perhaps a total fast–pick what best fits your family’s current state of life.
Now, once you have limited your screen time (again, pick a challenge that is appropriate for your current family state), fill the extra time with one of Carlo’s recommendations!
Adopt Carlo’s “kit” to becoming a saint: the practices for sanctity which captured HIS imagination as a young child and which are sure to capture your child’s, too!
These eight components of Carlo’s “kit” for becoming a saint:
- Try to go to Holy Mass and receive Holy Communio every day.
- Go to Confession every week–even if just to confess your venial sins.
- Pray to God for the grace to become a saint.
- Recite the Rosary every day.
- Read Scripture every day–even if just a verse or a short Psalm.
- Adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.
- Make daily sacrifices and self-denial to help others.
- Ask your Guadian Angel to help you at all times.
What can you adopt from this list this Lent?

Get the Kit for Becoming a Saint in the Coloring Book Story of Blessed Carlo Acutis!!
One mother said, “This is an absolutely phenomenal product. I own several of the Saint stories and coloring books for use with my own children. I’ve also recently started bulk ordering them for my Faith Formation classes. I highly recommend these books and the Glory Stories.“
Another mom said, “Oh this is a gem for us! We are big fans of Carlo. This is his life story in pics to color. It even has some expected surprises we didn’t know!”
Get this coloring book for your family this Lent–and with bulk discounts, get a copy for each person!

I saw a flyer that a town I work in was having a tour involving Carlos Acutis and another Saint’s relics. I visited their Catholic Church one day after work, and I must say, I felt SO calm. A lady of the congregation stood up and announced that if anyone had a rosary or another object that they wanted “blessed” or to have touch Carlos Acutis relic, to bring it to her. I normally always carried a rosary that my grandmother gave me, but I had switched purses and forgot to move it! The only thing I had were my keys and a necklace I was wearing that my 12 year old son had given me for Christmas. I took off that necklace and asked her to bless it. I forgot to mention that my son has been very moody and almost mean towards me for a while leading up to this day. That night, I was sitting on the couch, he came right over and sat beside me, he asked me how my day was and proceeded to tell me all about his! It was so abnormal for that time, and I will NEVER forget that moment! Thank you Carlos Acutis. I know that you had something to do with it. 😉
Blessed Carlo Acutus pray for us that we may become what God created us to be.
Thank you!