September 14th is the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross!

This is a beautiful moment during Ordinary Time when we can stop and reflect on the sacrifice Jesus made so that we can go to Heaven. If your parish or a Church nearby has a relic of the True Cross, this weekend is a perfect time for you to visit and venerate it.

FUN FACT: This feast celebrates not one, but two historic events! The feast commemorates the discovery of the Cross of Christ by St. Helena in 326 A.D. and the dedication of the basilica on Calvary (built by St. Helena’s son, Constantine) in 335 A.D.

In the meantime, we have 2 free printables to help your kids participate in this feast!

First, this coloring page helps kids visualize the parallels between an Old Testament story and Jesus’ death on the Cross. Remember: the Old Testament is a prefigurement of what is to come in the New Testament–this coloring page is a great way to illustrate this to your kids!

Pssst–want to learn more about how to Old Testament prefigures the New Testament? This DVD includes extensive examples of this in regardless to the Eucharist!

Second, this feast is a perfect time to learn the Prayer before the Crucifix! Print off this coloring page and hang it on your fridge–watch how fast your kids learn this prayer be reading it as they walk by!

As you are getting a jump start on preparing for this weekend, check out this upcoming Sunday’s Gospel video–presented by kids, for kids!

Before you go, watch this week’s Sunday Gospel video so your kids can HEAR and SEE the Gospel before Mass. This will help them pay attention and stay focused during Mass!

Next, sign up for the FREE weekly activities from our Sunday Mass Prep program, (including more videos like the one above)!


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