Last year, we had the idea to create a series of coloring pages that would take kids (and adults) “step-by-step” through the Mass.
Long-time Holy Heroes illustrator Caroline Spinelli took on the project but before she was able to finish, a family emergency forced her to walk away from the half-finished project.
Rather than lose the work she had already finished, we uploaded the first half of the coloring pages. We were curious if anyone would even be interested in those first coloring pages (let alone the rest of the pages yet to be completed).
Goodness–did we get a response.
Almost immediately, we began receiving emails asking us to upload the second half of the coloring pages. For several months, we received emails on a weekly basis asking if there was any update on when the second half of the Mass would be uploaded.

Finally, after many months, we were able to find another artist who to complete the coloring pages. We thought once we uploaded the second half of the coloring pages, the emails would surely stop. But even then, we CONTINUED to get emails!
This time, we received more and more emails asking for a printed coloring book. Folk didn’t want an instant download–they wanted a coloring book they could take to Mass!
With printer delays and paper shortages, we weren’t sure if a coloring book would ever happen…but finally, nearly a year since this project began…
The Participating at Holy Mass coloring book is now available on our website!

And–we have bulk discounts are available (up to 35% off!) so that parishes and schools can purchase a copy for each student!
This 40-page coloring book walks children through the entire Mass–from the moment they enter the Church until the end of Mass.
This coloring book takes kids step-by-step through:
- What to do when you enter the church
- What to look for in the church
- What to watch for (and why) during Holy Mass
- What your response is everything you see and hear during Mass–the words, the gestures, the postures!
This is the perfect Mass aid to help kids follow along with the Mass–and it helps them understand what is happening during the Mass.
We have many other Holy Mass aids available on our website–you can find the entire collection HERE.
We also have a FREE weekly program to help your family prepare for Sunday Mass! You can learn more about this program (which includes a variety of resources for the entire family) HERE.

is the Brand Manager for Holy Heroes after handling many other roles over the years. Make sure you sign up for our emails to receive more of Clara’s writing!