Emily told us, “My number one rule for the Very Young Catholic Project is don’t get anyone killed.”

This seemed like a pretty basic (and slightly concerning?) rule so we asked her to elaborate:

It’s easy to forget that all around the world, Catholics are becoming martyrs.

It’s easy to sit in our homes reading this blog without any concern about it endangering our personal safety.

This is WHY we need to capture kids’ imaginations for Christ’s Church.

One day, it won’t be as easy for them to be Catholic.

Perhaps they will be on a college campus or perhaps they will be in a country where simply going to Mass is a dangerous endeavor.

Regardless of their future life circumstances, now is the time to raise up a generation of young people who have tangible examples of the JOY of the Universal Church.

Join us and bring the Universal Church into your home.

Wondering what tier to join?

Check out this video where I break down the options.

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