This school year, bring your faith into your daily planning (and always know whose feast day it is!)

The ever-popular Saints Calendar and Daily Planner is a 16-month calendar ready to use in September–perfect for the start of the school year!

The spiral-bound design enables the planner to lay-flat format on a desk or kitchen counter.

The clean layout provides plenty of space for managing the family schedule or academic assignments. 

Get the ultimate Catholic daily planner that features feast days, important liturgical celebrations, and Sundays for both the Ordinary and Extraordinary forms!

Don’t delay in placing your order—we’ve sold 20% of our incoming stock already so don’t miss out!

LAST CHANCE: this FREE offer ends tonight!

This book is full of Catholic fun facts that will WOW your friends and family! You don’t want to miss snagging your FREE copy with a purchase of anything from Holy Heroes!

Browse the Holy Heroes store (make sure to check out the DEAL of the DAY) for our stunning Sacred Art books, the #1 “mom recommended” Rosary aid for littles, this NEW Marian activity book, and so much more!

NEW—DO NOT miss this announcement!

Our NEW Glory Story is NOW available for order! Find out WHO it is about HERE.

FREE Daily Lenten Activities for kids 4-12

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